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In our country, as well as in the rest of Europe, the wolf is experiencing one of the most complex challenges it has ever faced.


The good state of conservation of the species which, after the black hole of the 70s of the last century, naturally found its place again by growing numerically on the Apennines and the Alps, is contrasted by an enormous campaign of discrediting and disinformation carried out without excluding shots.

The wolf is every day the victim of countless false information, of political and media distortions, of disbelief and factionalism fueled daily in the local and national media, which aim at various objectives, including the elimination of the species from certain areas. As an Association we consider it fundamental today position communication and dissemination on the predator as the central theme of our work, with the aim of creating culture on the subject, informing citizens and stakeholders, countering media attacks e putting the scientific evidence and technical information available today at the basis of everything. Furthermore, it remains essential to work to inform citizens and stakeholders about the correct behaviors to adopt in areas where the wolf is present, especially in newly colonized urban and peri-urban ones, in order to limit possible incorrect behaviors that can increase the predator-human conflict.

Actions and initiatives

Communication and disclosure

We are firmly convinced of the fundamental importance of disseminating good coexistence practices to stakeholders and to all citizens in general, pursuing this objective through the production of educational and informational material: video and multimedia material dedicated to knowledge of the wolf, infographics on specific topics, use of the website and social networks. These are the tools we use to help create a correct culture on the wolf together with conferences, in-depth workshops, public meetings for citizens and children, as well as specific projects for schools.

Our goal is important and to achieve it we need you.

Ensuring a future for wolves in Italy and Europe through coexistence with human activities: join us.

Association of Social Promotion
Registered in the APS Register
Emilia-Romagna Region n. 5622

Via Martyrs of Liberty, 51
43043 Borgotaro (PR)

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All photographs are the property of their respective authors and may not be reproduced without their permission. Homepage: video by Nicky Pe, photo by Stefano Manfredini.

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