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Reducing the conflict between wolf and human activities is one of the main interests of our Association.

We are firmly convinced that the future of the wolf in Italy and in Europe is today inextricably linked to the relationship it has with the world of shepherds and breeders.

They represent the main category that comes into conflict with the presence of the wolf and at the same time are the best witnesses of the concrete opportunities for coexistence with the predator. For this we have developed some specific actions that aim to reduce and sometimes try to heal this conflict, supporting breeders through direct initiatives, but also all other categories that can come into conflict with the wolf such as hunters, mushroom pickers, hikers and other visitors to the mountain.

Actions and initiatives

Conflict mitigation

The mitigation of the conflict must start from the meeting and discussion with the stakeholders involved and can only be carried forward through collaboration in the management of the critical issues that arise from time to time. The actions we put in place in this sense are well defined. Together with the Associations Active Defense e Pastures we work to support farmers, who choose to adopt livestock protection dogs to defend their animals from predator attacks, but also to solve the concrete and real problems they may encounter on a daily basis. We are working on drafting a law on the subject, which will define all the aspects still absent in Italian legislation relating to the type and use of guardian dogs as well as the establishment of a single national signpost on dogs protection of livestock, both to meet the needs of the breeders who use them, and to inform and protect the users of natural spaces, in particular tourists, who unexpectedly find themselves dealing with LGDs directly on the territory, suggesting a few simple precautions to prevent incorrect behavior, which could inadvertently lead to unpleasant accidents. Through the "Wool for the wolf" initiative, we support small farmers in the recovery and subsequent processing of wool, for the creation of valuable items, the sale of which will serve to finance a fund dedicated to the farmers themselves. Finally, during all the countless field trips for research and mapping of signs of presence, we are engaged in the fight against poaching, one of the greatest threats that today affect the wolf and all other fauna in Italy, identifying traps, snares and poisoned bait, promptly reporting them to the authorities.

Our goal is important and to achieve it we need you.

Ensuring a future for wolves in Italy and Europe through coexistence with human activities: join us.

Association of Social Promotion
Registered in the APS Register
Emilia-Romagna Region n. 5622

Via Martyrs of Liberty, 51
43043 Borgotaro (PR)

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All photographs are the property of their respective authors and may not be reproduced without their permission. Homepage: video by Nicky Pe, photo by Stefano Manfredini.

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